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2012-10-13 - -
2012-07-05 - Around My Way
2012-06-29 - The Hook-Up
2011-02-22 - The Rub Of It
2010-02-17 - Wine Tasting
2008-11-04 - I miss
2008-11-04 - Where did she go
2008-11-04 - Where did she go
2008-10-19 - Getting Current
2005-10-31 - Happy Halloween
2005-10-27 - Jennifer Needs
2005-10-03 - Salaried and Lovin' It
2005-09-04 - Just A Junkie
2005-08-15 - Your Absence
2005-08-15 - Another Day
2005-08-14 - Back To the Beach
2005-08-05 - She Works Hard For the Money...Kind of
2005-06-15 - Hot
2005-04-19 - A Letter To A Friend About A Cigarette
2005-04-07 - Slithers and Shivers
2005-03-14 - Indulge Me
2005-03-07 - Just In Case I Ever Forget
2005-03-07 - A Second Coming
2005-03-01 - Copy Cat
2005-03-01 - Raw Sugar
2005-02-24 - Notes
2005-02-17 - Fear of Heights
2005-02-16 - Unexpected
2005-02-09 - These Words
2005-02-09 - Humble Pie
2005-02-04 - <3
2005-02-03 - United States of Sugar
2005-02-03 - Missionary Style
2005-01-23 - Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
2005-01-19 - The Evolution Of Sugar
2005-01-18 - Just_Call_Me_Four_Eyes
2005-01-14 - Secretary
2005-01-09 - A_PH_Fucking_D
2005-01-07 - My_Own_Little_AA_Online
2005-01-06 - Haze
2005-01-01 - Happy_2005
2004-12-31 - Kandy
2004-12-30 - Cashmere_Softness_a t_20mbps
2004-12-20 - It's_The_Thought_That_Counts
2004-11-25 - Thanksgiving
2004-11-23 - Parad0x057
2004-11-22 - 5_4_3_2_1
2004-11-17 - Paperwork_and_Hooker_Boots
2004-11-16 - World_On_Fire
2004-11-12 - Bandaid
2004-11-09 - Court
2004-11-08 - PopCorny
2004-11-08 - School_Dazed
2004-11-03 - The_Blackness
2004-11-02 - Stuff_you
2004-10-29 - Lindzilla
2004-10-28 - Epiphanys_of_smoke_and_pumpkin
2004-10-26 - Lets_Go_to_the_Movies
2004-10-26 - Random_Things
2004-10-20 - Emotional_masochist
2004-10-18 - Kisses
2004-10-15 - The_Alarm_Clock_Game
2004-10-13 - Catch_Up
2004-10-08 - Dilemma
2004-10-06 - Ahh_REAL_Monsters
2004-10-05 - Counting_fun
2004-09-25 - Personal_forecast
2004-09-23 - The_IntrAnet_Rocks_My_Socks
2004-09-21 - Think_for_Yourself
2004-09-20 - If_Boredom_Were_a_Drug_I'd_Be_Higher_then_Courtney_Love
2004-09-20 - Keepin_it_All_in_the_Family_Baby
2004-09-17 - Jersey_Girl

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